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Writer's pictureAllyson

The Chakra cards from the Soul Trees Oracle! These cards are so interesting, I might not pull one for months and then three appear in one sitting. When they show up the cards always reflect the area of my life that needs more care, attention and balance. They are a great accompaniment to the Soul Trees Oracle whether you are new to the chakras or have been working with them for ages.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel or vortex and it refers to the energy centers located within the body. Chakras work as pumps regulating the flow of energy throughout the body. They are not physical but aspects of consciousness. Understanding the chakras gives us insight into the relationship between consciousness and our body; our consciousness and our external and internal world.

The chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC. The data on each chakra was recorded in the ancient spiritual texts, the Vedas.

The 7 chakra cards simplified

  • Root Chakra - home, family, security, finances.

  • Sacral Chakra - body, pleasure, creativity, addiction.

  • Solar Plexus - ego, sense of self, setting boundaries, power.

  • Heart Center - love, compassion, forgiveness, relationships.

  • Throat - communication, speaking up and expressing yourself.

  • Third Eye - intuition, imagination, intellect.

  • Crown - faith, spirituality, connection to our higher power.

The Body card shown from Soul Trees Ascension Deck

Writer's pictureAllyson

The energy of the blue moon, August 30th, 9:35pm (EST), is a beautiful opportunity for healing. What are you ready to intentionally heal and release?

Suggestions for working with this energy:

1) Set a clear intention, infuse your intention with love and self-compassion. 2) Pull cards, as many or as few as you feel guided. Use your intuition to interpret the meanings for yourself.

3) Journal, and let it flow, create openness and receptivity to connecting to your deepest wisdom.

4) Last but not least, focus on the flow of your breath.

Your intention lays the groundwork for your healing. The cards will reflect what is happening within you now, bringing something to light for your attention and contemplation. Journaling will expand your insights, providing further clarity. Conscious breathing brings on relaxation, creates openness, and is a gentle experience of flow. It reminds us that when we connect with our breath, we attract and accept the natural flow of life to move through us, to assist us in creating with greater ease.

This past Sunday, I pulled the Breathe card from the Ascension Deck for the message for the week. A lovely support to the energy of this Super Moon. Do you ever catch yourself holding your breath? When we hold our breath, we are focused on a fear in the mind which creates resistance within the body. If we are paying attention when this happens, we will feel our tension, observe that we are not open, allowing, nor trusting the flow of life to move through us and our experiences.

Our power is our attention within the present moment. If we are not present, we are on auto pilot. Truth, connection and creation are not available to us. We are distracted by something we are seeing outside of ourselves or stuck in our mind, in a loop, replaying past stories or projecting fears forward and we end up creating by default.

I invite you to pay closer attention to your breath, check in thoughout each day. Is your breathing shallow, are you holding your breath, are you in a natural rhythm of flow, what is on your mind, how is your body responding? If you find your are feeling tense, breathe slowly and intentionally. Slowing our breathe tells our mind and body we are safe and brings awareness to the present moment.

I breathe therefore I prosper.

- Richard Rudd (triple flame app)

I love this quote. When it popped up on my phone recently, it brought me immediate ease. Allow your breath to show you the way. In and out. Flow. Giving and receiving. It is the flow of life and it will guide the way to that which you intend to create. It is where life begins and ends and the creating of everything in-between. Breathe and trust the flow of your breath within life.

End of Summer Sale 30% off. Ends soon!

This Autumn I will be expanding my coaching work through the addition of the Emotion Code. I have been working on my certification throughout the summer. It has been an amazing experience! More to come in September!

I invite you to take advantage of the summer sale, especially the Ascension Decks with imperfect edging. It is a great offer and value for a best seller with a few blemishes!

Enjoy the Super Blue Moon, may you embrace healing, intention, intuition, awareness and observe the flow of your breath and your life.



Writer's pictureAllyson

Nine years ago today a small print run of the first Soul Trees deck arrived. The Soul Trees Oracle was originally called The Wisdom of Soul Trees. This creation has come a long way. I never imagined the transformation the original deck would go through and that four additional decks would follow. It has been an insightful and expansive journey. I have met so many wonderful people along the way! I still hear from customers who have these early decks!

Anniversary & Solstice sale!

In 2014, I started selling the first print runs for $25. To celebrate and honor where it all began, June 20-June 22nd Soul Trees and Soul Seeds decks will be on sale for $25, The Dreamer's Journey (pocket edition) will be $15!!

I am grateful that the decks have reached 50 countries worldwide and 50 states within the US. I have written thousands of thank you notes! Which I will continue to do as long as I am personally selling Soul Trees decks. Thank you for your support on this journey!! I hope working with the cards has offered meaningful insight and continues to support your expansion!

Bright Solstice Blessings

& Gratitude,


This special offer is only available through

25% off in the Etsy Shop!

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